Classical astrology pays a lot of attention to the houses, which are fixed portions of the ecliptic tied to the horizon. In addition to the signs and planets in each house, houses are interpreted according to the triplicity rulers of the house’s occupying sign. The topics associated with these rulers are known as the house… Read more »
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There really is no Eric Conspiracy. It’s always been a myth. But in this episode, Eric Millar and I (Erik Arneson) meet up at COFFEE BEER in Southeast Portland to discuss The Disruption Generator and Eric’s other work. Eric is an author, writer, and publisher — the brains and brawn behind Outlet Press. We use… Read more »
Secret Societies in America: Foundational Studies of Fraternalism Edited by William D. Moore and Mark A. Tabbert Cornerstone Book Publishers, 2011 294 pages Paperback $24.95, ISBN 978-1-61342-024-9 The magnitude with which fraternal organizations influenced American society and history is something that we hear a lot about through conspiracies, but not enough about from main-stream historians…. Read more »
I’ve made updates to my Patreon page! Here is a summary of what’s new. Tarot Subscriptions There are two new supporter tiers. The Tarot Subscriber ($30/month) gets one free 30-minute Tarot reading per month and is limited to 10 subscribers. The Tarot Super-Subscriber ($50/month) gets one free 60-minute Tarot reading per month and is limited… Read more »
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Teacher and independent scholar Ted Hand joins me in this episode for a deep dive into the angelology of Pico della Mirandola, followed by a crazy romp through the gnostic world of Philip K. Dick. It’s a dense episode, and (hold on to your hat!) it’s all connected! We follow Pico’s adventures through the Florentine… Read more »
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As the entire Internet already knows, T. Susan Chang has incredible oracular powers, so when I tell you that she’s here on the second episode of the fledgling Arnemancy Podcast, it’s probably a sign that we’re building great things. Susan is co-host of the incredible Fortune’s Wheelhouse podcast and the author of Tarot Correspondences: Ancient… Read more »
Rosicrucian Trilogy: Fama Fraternitatis, 1614; Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615; The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, 1616 Trans. Joscelyn Godwin, Christopher McIntosh, and Donate Pahnke McIntosh Weiser Books, 2016 184 pages Paperback $22.95 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-603-7 Hardcover $45 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-609-9 The Rosicrucian movement began with three mysterious documents published in the early 17th century in Kessel,… Read more »
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Introducing the Arnemancy Podcast! Following on the heels of My Alchemical Bromance, this podcast explores esotericism, Tarot, magic, and the occult. In the inaugural episode, I visit Alexx Bollen of the Alexxcast in his foam-walled podcasting dungeon to talk Tarot. I do my first ever reading using Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot and the results are… Read more »
The magician in his robe is a timeless image. From ancient wizards like Merlin to medieval conjurers, all the way up to modern depictions such as Gandalf and Harry Potter, the robe is the magician’s expected uniform. Even various schools and traditions of modern occult study emphasize the importance of wearing a robe. It is… Read more »
This post doesn’t represent a completed project, but is rather the beginning of one. While leading a discussion group on the Sefer Yetzirah recently, I was struck by many of the astrological details in that ancient text. This led me to start seeking information on the use of astrology in traditional Kabbalah. This has been… Read more »