About: Reverend Erik

Erik Arneson
Tarot reading is one of several things I do professionally. As a bona fide Johannes factotum, I have a number of other skills I enjoy practicing. If you’d like to learn about my Masonic writings, visit TransforMason.org. If you’d like to have me officiate a wedding, check out my wedding page. I also develop software and work with information security.

There are a few books coming out that I’m really excited about. If you read this blog regularly, you should be excited about them, too. First, Dan Attrell’s translation of the Picatrix is finally available for pre-order. I interviewed him back on episode 29 of My Alchemical Bromance and have been eagerly awaiting his book…. Read more »

This is a list of books on Freemasonry. In case it hasn’t been made abundantly clear by my numerous podcast appearances, public lectures, and short list of published articles, I’m a Freemason. This generates a lot of curiosity in those who aren’t Masons. Occultists and esotericists, the main audience for this website, have lots of… Read more »

The Immortal Body in Hermeticism

Back in March, I had a conversation with Jeremy Crow in episode 28 of My Alchemical Bromance. We discussed the Left Hand Path (LHP), about which I had only a surface understanding before we really dug into it. While there are multiple ways to differentiate between the two paths, we focused on one in particular… Read more »

Arts and Crafts in Ritual Magic

When a person gets involved in ritual magic, they probably aren’t prepared for the amount of artwork they need to create. Wands, altars, and magical tools and weapons all need to be created, typically by hand.

Hi everybody! As I am sure you have noticed by now, I am financing this website and my continued work using Patreon. This unfortunately means that a lot less of my new content is appearing here, but I have one piece in particular that I think many readers will be interested in: an audio lecture… Read more »

Lately I’ve been trying out some dream magic from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM). The PGM is a collection of Greco-Egyptian texts from northern Egypt in late antiquity, dating from 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. They describe a staggering array of ancient religious and magical practices, and were originally written in Greek,… Read more »

Working with grimoires and classical magic means needing a deeper understanding of classical and Renaissance astrology. You’ll need to be able to easily access information about the astrological houses, signs, and planets. Inspired by Giordano Bruno, I devised a mnemonic chain that can be used to memorize the twelve houses. The following should be used… Read more »

Help support my writing and works by becoming a supporter on Patreon! Access to exclusive patron-only content starts at just one dollar! Here are some exclusive pieces that I plan to offer: Ritual outlines based on grimoires and the Greek Magical Papyri Techniques related to the occult Art of Memory Early access to articles and… Read more »

The Cruzin With Steak podcast is hosted by two super nice guys, Grimsteak and James Cruz. They were kind enough to invite me onto the show, so I’d like to invite you to check out my interview in episode 41!

On March 21st, I was interviewed about my dreams and other interesting subjects on Nox Mente. We get into some pretty fascinating conversation. Please enjoy. If you have any questions about my experiences and answers, ask!