Hi everybody! As I am sure you have noticed by now, I am financing this website and my continued work using Patreon. This unfortunately means that a lot less of my new content is appearing here, but I have one piece in particular that I think many readers will be interested in: an audio lecture series on using the Art of Memory to memorize and work with Tarot cards.

Currently I just have part one up, which covers the Minor Arcana pips. If you’re a Patreon patron, you can listen to it here. If you’re not yet one of my Patreon supporters, this series will be available at the $1/month level. That’s so cheap! Go get it.

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Lately I’ve been trying out some dream magic from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM). The PGM is a collection of Greco-Egyptian texts from northern Egypt in late antiquity, dating from 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. They describe a staggering array of ancient religious and magical practices, and were originally written in Greek, Demotic, and Coptic. There are quite a few dream oracle spells in the PGM, so I took some time to sort through them to figure out what they have in common and which would be the easiest to perform.

Working with grimoires and classical magic means needing a deeper understanding of classical and Renaissance astrology. You’ll need to be able to easily access information about the astrological houses, signs, and planets. Inspired by Giordano Bruno, I devised a mnemonic chain that can be used to memorize the twelve houses. The following should be used as an imaginal journey, with each step being envisioned in a way that is equivalent to a moving picture in your mind.

  1. I look in the mirror and see myself
  2. Over my shoulder, a pile of money – currency and specie
  3. I take a quarter and put it into the payphone to call
  4. Home, where my mother tells me a story
  5. About an artist who paints a portrait of her true love,
  6. A physician, who works hard amongst people, toiling to afford
  7. Their wedding, bedecked in flowers and celebration, leading to
  8. Fruitful partnership and joint responsibility in a ship
  9. That sets sail on a long journey to the Academy, where Plato still teaches
  10. And my father sits among them in a place of great honor and respect,
  11. With friends and associates around him, celebrating a long life, all of which leads to
  12. A moment of reflection as the face in the mirror is no longer mine, but everybody’s.

In the Asclepius, we are taught that images which possess movement are ensouled. This means that your memory images should actually move. It should be more like a motion picture than a slide show. Bruno and others also teach us that images that carry emotion along with them are more memorable, so make the images those that inspire strong emotions. Love, awe, lust, humor, and even disgust are all strong emotions that can help your memory images stick around better.

Bruno’s Third Seal: The Chain

In Thirty Seals & The Seal of Seals: A Book of the Art of Memory, Giordano Bruno describes a number of different mnemonic structures to be used for different types of memorization. The third structure is the Chain, which is used to link together related information in a fixed order. He gives an example of a memory chain for the signs of the Zodiac. The great thing about this is that it actually works! I’ve included the Latin below, and if you are interested in a translation, check out Scott Gosnell’s translation on Amazon.

The chain technique is fast and effective, and can be used to store a “linked list” of items much more quickly than a memory palace. Similar techniques are used by practitioners of the Peg System to link items together.

Dux gregis, armenti regem sublatus in iram
   In geminósque pedes, impete fronte ferat.
Vindex menté vacans hinc Taurus concitus, ictu
   Irruit in Geminos impaciente fratres.
Germanos iuuenes affines protinus vndae
   Excipiunt. Cancer rosida prata petit.
Repens obliquó lympharum Cancer alumnus,
   Villosi vultum forte Leonis adit.
Percitus inde leo crinitos surgit in harmos
   Vnde vagans rapidae visa Puella ferae est.
Hanc petit: illa fugit: quae gressu insana fugaci
   Librantem incurrit persica lance virum.
Aestuat hic, cupidis quem dum complexibus haeret:
   Attriti Vermis cuspis adunca ferit.
Formidans laetum medicas dum currit ad artes
   Poné Sagittiferum sentit adesse virum.
Qui modo stuprata, quam credit virgine laesus
   Quo petit hunc iaculo, vulnerat ecce Caprum
Vt primum intrusum ferrum persensit iniqué
   Effugit in rapidas praecipitosus Aquas:
Sic caper anfoelix á gurgite tractus aquarum;
   Insueta inclusis Piscibus esca datur.

The original Latin version is available online at the Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives, along with much other excellent work.

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Here are some exclusive pieces that I plan to offer:

  • Ritual outlines based on grimoires and the Greek Magical Papyri
  • Techniques related to the occult Art of Memory
  • Early access to articles and podcasts
  • Access to works-in-progress and drafts of articles
  • Insight into my creative process

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What is Alchemy?

Alchemy is an ancient practice that can be considered in part as a precursor to chemistry. However, like Freemasonry, it can be said to have both a speculative and an operative side. While “operative” alchemy deals with the transformation of base metals into gold, “speculative” alchemy uses similar symbolism, allegory, and language to speak of spiritual truths and a path to inner light and wisdom.

Upcoming Tarot Reading Events

It’s October, which means that Hallowe’en is here! Many of you have been wondering when I’ll be doing more Tarot readings, and the answer is this month. Pairings Portland has invited me to read Tarot at their wine shop two nights this month. I will be there on October 27th and October 31st. We are still working out the details, so be sure to check back soon for Facebook events and more information.

Here are some things I do know about the events right now.

  • I’ll have new Tarot decks that you haven’t seen before!
  • Readings will cost $10 and I’ll be accepting Bitcoin.
  • There will be lots of wine.
  • Costumes are encouraged!
  • I think if you bring your Hallowe’en candy in on the 31st, you can get Jeff to pair a wine to it.

Upcoming Events

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