Here’s a list of other places where I publish podcasts and content. Look for more content coming soon, always!
Alchemy is an ancient practice that can be considered in part as a precursor to chemistry. However, like Freemasonry, it can be said to have both a speculative and an operative side. While “operative” alchemy deals with the transformation of base metals into gold, “speculative” alchemy uses similar symbolism, allegory, and language to speak of spiritual truths and a path to inner light and wisdom.
It’s October, which means that Hallowe’en is here! Many of you have been wondering when I’ll be doing more Tarot readings, and the answer is this month. Pairings Portland has invited me to read Tarot at their wine shop two nights this month. I will be there on October 27th and October 31st. We are still working out the details, so be sure to check back soon for Facebook events and more information.
Here are some things I do know about the events right now.
- I’ll have new Tarot decks that you haven’t seen before!
- Readings will cost $10 and I’ll be accepting Bitcoin.
- There will be lots of wine.
- Costumes are encouraged!
- I think if you bring your Hallowe’en candy in on the 31st, you can get Jeff to pair a wine to it.
Upcoming Events
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When I first started this blog, I had a “Card of the Week” feature that was not weekly and didn’t last long. This “Featured Cards” feature is the sequel to that. I promise no regularity but lots of longevity. Let’s examine the Eight of Wands.
A while back, I featured the Devil card as Card of the Week. In that post, I emphasized a few elements of the card’s symbolism that I find very poignant. In particular, the chains or rope binding the foreground figures is voluntary, meaning that the bonds can be thrown off. This symbolism isn’t consistent across all decks, however! Recently, Twitter user @mduduzii_98 asked me about the Devil card in the Hermetic Tarot, which made me think of how different decks present essential symbolism differently.
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In January, the Portland Scottish Rite Valley started a monthly club night. I came up with an idea for a club to study Hermetic Qabalah as it’s presented in Morals & Dogma and the Scottish Rite degrees. This has been an incredible learning experience for me.
On Saturday, June 3rd, I gave a lecture at the Sekhet-Maat OTO Lodge titled “The Magical Memory: The Art of Memory as an Occult Practice”. Below, please find a link to the slides and a list of references used while preparing the lecture.
I’ve been on a number of podcasts lately, so you should check these out and listen to some great conversations with a lot of really fascinating people.
- Over on My Alchemical Bromance, we recently interviewed Freemason and author Chuck Dunning. Listen to part 1 and part 2. I’ve also started a series of shorter solo episodes, which you can follow here.
- I was a guest on episode 289 of the Alexxcast! Listen to the episode here! We talk about Tarot, occultism, Freemasonry, and succubi.
I’ve been really enjoying podcasts lately, both creating them and listening to them. What’s your favorite? Please share it in the comments!
Note added on 4 June 2019: My Alchemical Bromance is now on hiatus, but I’m still podcasting right here at the Arnemancy Podcast.
There is a lot of construction going on in my neighborhood, some of it right next door. It gets loud! Since they like to start early in the morning, it can introduce a new challenge to daily meditation practice. Binaural beats and isochronic tones have helped me overcome that challenge.