The Art of Memory

One of the topics that we love to focus on at Arnemancy is the Art of Memory. This page is a content hub that can direct you to all kinds of Art of Memory-related articles, podcast episodes, classes, and resources across the Arnemancy website.

Getting Started

The Art of Memory can be a confusing topic for beginners, but there are plenty of practitioners who have tried to make it simpler.

The Art of Memory and Tarot

Combining our two favorite topics, here are some blog posts that teach how Tarot and the Art of Memory can be used together.

In addition, I have two on-demand classes about using Tarot and the Art of Memory together.

  • The Minor Arcana focuses on using the Art of Memory to teach you how to read and remember the meanings of the Minor Arcana.
  • The Major Arcana teaches some advanced techniques that not only help you remember the Major Arcana, but use Tarot cards to boost your other Art of Memory skills.

Giordano Bruno

I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to interview Scott Gosnell several times about his Giordano Bruno translations.

  • Bruno and the Future is my conversation with Scott about his translations of Song of Circe and On the Composition of Images.
  • Bruno, Machiavelli, and Savonarola is our conversation about Bruno’s art of binding and how it is connected to several very important Renaissance figures.
  • On Giordano Bruno and Other Stuff is my first interview with Scott, and it’s on my old podcast, My Alchemical Bromance. The audio quality is probably bad, but I’m sure the conversation is great.

I hope you have fun exploring the Art of Memory!