Since it is the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, please allow me to introduce you to Grimoire.Social, a social media platform catering to those captivated by grimoires, occult books, and the allure of the esoteric. I want Grimoire.Social to improve the way you find new occult books and connect with other magical and… Read more »
Tag: arnemancy
Decans have been everywhere in my occult life lately. First, there are the Picatrix Decans cards by J Swofford, then Andrew B. Watt’s incredible Decans series on his blog, and now my latest interview with T. Susan Chang. This has inspired me to perform my own year-long Decan Walk and share the results both here… Read more »
You have been considering an email Tarot reading, but you don’t know exactly what to expect. Let me share with you my process in preparing a Tarot reading for email, and what you will receive in your email.
My last podcast episode with Misha Magdalene was the 32nd episode of the Arnemancy Podcast and also the last episode of season one. I’m taking the summer off to record less and work on some new ideas for season two.
This year has seen a lot of changes for this website. When I launched the Arnemancy Podcast in June, I also gave myself my first reading with Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck. I attempt to interpret it in that podcast episode, and it’s worth a listen. However, now that it’s been a few months and… Read more »

RSS Feed
Welcome to the first Arnemancy Podcast solo show! In this episode, I talk about how to use Giordano Bruno’s table method to memorize the Tarot’s Minor Arcana pip cards. This mnemonic method can be a very effective method for not only recalling card meanings, but to understand the relationships between the cards. Here are some… Read more »
I am now booking live online Tarot readings! You can click here to book a reading. These readings will be done via Skype using my spiffy new video camera, and I’ll be using a variety of decks. They will typically be five or seven cards, depending on the topic and how deep we need to… Read more »
Help support my writing and works by becoming a supporter on Patreon! Access to exclusive patron-only content starts at just one dollar! Here are some exclusive pieces that I plan to offer: Ritual outlines based on grimoires and the Greek Magical Papyri Techniques related to the occult Art of Memory Early access to articles and… Read more »
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