Learn how to use the fabled Art of Memory to memorize the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This class introduces a method that once memorized, adapts quickly and easily to any standard Tarot deck. Learn how to use Giordano Bruno’s powerful seals to memorize the meanings of the Minor Arcana, including the court cards. Enroll now!
Tag: ars memoriae
In March of 2020, during the COVID-19 shutdown of pretty much everything, many Masonic Grand Lodges in the United States and Canada cancelled all lodge meetings and Masonic functions. While necessary, this was disappointing, particularly because I had several lectures lined up at various lodges on a number of topics. In addition, both Esoterika Lodge… Read more »

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Welcome to the first Arnemancy Podcast solo show! In this episode, I talk about how to use Giordano Bruno’s table method to memorize the Tarot’s Minor Arcana pip cards. This mnemonic method can be a very effective method for not only recalling card meanings, but to understand the relationships between the cards. Here are some… Read more »
Classical astrology pays a lot of attention to the houses, which are fixed portions of the ecliptic tied to the horizon. In addition to the signs and planets in each house, houses are interpreted according to the triplicity rulers of the house’s occupying sign. The topics associated with these rulers are known as the house… Read more »
Working with grimoires and classical magic means needing a deeper understanding of classical and Renaissance astrology. You’ll need to be able to easily access information about the astrological houses, signs, and planets. Inspired by Giordano Bruno, I devised a mnemonic chain that can be used to memorize the twelve houses. The following should be used… Read more »
On Saturday, June 3rd, I gave a lecture at the Sekhet-Maat OTO Lodge titled “The Magical Memory: The Art of Memory as an Occult Practice”. Below, please find a link to the slides and a list of references used while preparing the lecture.
Working with Giordano Bruno’s memory alphabet and wheel system opens up interesting possibilities. I’ve written before about using tarot with the Art of Memory. Now let’s look at using the Taro with Bruno’s memory system. If you have used Tarot for meditation or pathworking, then you already have experience with visualizing the cards and also… Read more »
Learn about Giordano Bruno’s Art of Memory from De Umbris Idearum: On the Shadows of Ideas, recently translated by Scott Gosnell.This book contains both De umbris idearum and Ars memoriae, which are Bruno’s work on the nature of ideas and imagination as well as his complex mnemonic system.
When I first started this website, it’s because my weekly Tarot-reading gig at the Press Club was ending and I was eager to find some way to grow and continue my Tarot business. What I didn’t realize at the time was that my Friday afternoons at the Press Club were something special. They may never… Read more »
Alejandro Jodorowsky is well-known to Tarotists because of his 1973 surrealist film The Holy Mountain. Recently, the esteemed filmmaker published a book titled Manual of Psychomagic: The Practice of Shamanic Psychotherapy. An excerpt of the book is available on Disinformation. In the excerpt, Jodorowsky talks about his approach to reading cards. “I turned the Tarot reading into a… Read more »