Changes have been happening on the Arnemancy website! And they are good changes, too: we have added an online shop, new services, and classes, while still continuing to produce podcast episodes and blog posts.
Tag: books

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In this spooktacular podcast episode, Montana Jordan joins me for a live Ouija board session. I really don’t want to give anything away about our session — let’s just say that we make contact, and it’s an interesting contact. Even more interesting is that we set up the Ouija board in my ritual space, and… Read more »

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Scott Gosnell joins me for an amazing conversation about Giordano Bruno‘s work, in particular On Magic and Thirty Statues, which he just finished translating and publishing. Our conversation dives into Bruno’s art of binding and his suggestions on how to bind entire cities. We also get into the crazy world of the Florentine Renaissance and… Read more »

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There really is no Eric Conspiracy. It’s always been a myth. But in this episode, Eric Millar and I (Erik Arneson) meet up at COFFEE BEER in Southeast Portland to discuss The Disruption Generator and Eric’s other work. Eric is an author, writer, and publisher — the brains and brawn behind Outlet Press. We use… Read more »
Secret Societies in America: Foundational Studies of Fraternalism Edited by William D. Moore and Mark A. Tabbert Cornerstone Book Publishers, 2011 294 pages Paperback $24.95, ISBN 978-1-61342-024-9 The magnitude with which fraternal organizations influenced American society and history is something that we hear a lot about through conspiracies, but not enough about from main-stream historians…. Read more »
Rosicrucian Trilogy: Fama Fraternitatis, 1614; Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615; The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, 1616 Trans. Joscelyn Godwin, Christopher McIntosh, and Donate Pahnke McIntosh Weiser Books, 2016 184 pages Paperback $22.95 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-603-7 Hardcover $45 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-609-9 The Rosicrucian movement began with three mysterious documents published in the early 17th century in Kessel,… Read more »
There are a few books coming out that I’m really excited about. If you read this blog regularly, you should be excited about them, too. First, Dan Attrell’s translation of the Picatrix is finally available for pre-order. I interviewed him back on episode 29 of My Alchemical Bromance and have been eagerly awaiting his book…. Read more »
This is a list of books on Freemasonry. In case it hasn’t been made abundantly clear by my numerous podcast appearances, public lectures, and short list of published articles, I’m a Freemason. This generates a lot of curiosity in those who aren’t Masons. Occultists and esotericists, the main audience for this website, have lots of… Read more »
I talk a lot about the books I read, but it’s rare that I talk about the books that I’m going to read. Here’s a list of books I’m currently working on and books on deck.