Tag: card of the week

Wands are the suit of passions and inspirations. They are the cards of elemental fire. Queens often signify the power to make choices, but can also represent a choice itself. A couple of symbols in this card leap out at me. Some are more subtle. Act With Inspiration The Queen looks out over the countryside… Read more »

Last week started with the end of a family reunion, and then got frantically busy. This week is starting frantically busy, and ending with a wedding. Because I’ve had so much on my plate, I decided to read from the Gummy Bear Tarot by Dietmar Bittrich. This deck will put a smile on your face even if you… Read more »

Great suffering for brief pleasure.The Bruegel Tarot I love this new deck, the Bruegel Tarot by Lo Scarabeo! Before I get  into  the rather straightforward message of this card, please take a moment to look at the image and enjoy the great variety of imagery, both comic and macabre. There’s a man in this card… Read more »

Card of the Week: The Sun

The Sun is the 19th Major Arcana, and the third of the celestial Trumps. This is perhaps the happiest card in the Tarot, and indicates that things are going extremely well.

The Moon is one of those great mystery cards in the Major Arcana. In many decks, the imagery includes two hounds, water, towers, at least one moon, and a crustacean. It’s the second of the three celestial Trumps, between the Star and the Sun. Time For Reflection Unlike the Star and the Sun, the Moon… Read more »

Kicking off our Card of the Week feature is the Magician, the second of the major arcana. When I drew this card to write about, I didn’t really believe it. Who would believe that randomly I picked one of the best cards for starting off a new venture? If I was going to purposely select a… Read more »