Tag: ethics

Urania with Tres Henry
Science and Magic with Tres Henry

Today, occultists and practitioners are fortunate to have the aid of modern tools like computers to aid in their studies. In this episode of the podcast, I am joined by one of the creators of such tools, Tres Henry. We discuss not only the role of software in magic, but the balance between rational science and mysticism. We also discuss geomancy, maintaining magical balance, and the responsibilities of a magician.

Practical Spirituality

The Arnemancy Podcast
Solo Episodes
Practical Spirituality

This episode of the podcast is a solo show about practical spirituality. This category is one that I just made up, and covers spiritual, esoteric, or mystical practices that impact your external world by either making you a measurably better person, or by providing you with helpful life skills that positively impact your life and… Read more »

Getting Started with Mussar

After listening to my conversation with Greg Marcus on Mussar, you might be curious about giving it a try. Mussar is an excellent and effective technique for improving your ethical and moral values through the development of soul traits. It is easy to get started. The simplest way to begin a Mussar practice is to… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Mussar and Ethics with Greg Marcus

Mussar is the practice of increasing ethics and morality, and joining me to discuss this topic is Greg Marcus. Mussar is a thousand year-old Jewish spiritual practice. Greg is a recovering workaholic and the creator of American Mussar. He offers guidance on living a life of mindful harmony and spiritual integrity, drawing upon Jewish teachings… Read more »