Tag: instructions

You have been considering an email Tarot reading, but you don’t know exactly what to expect. Let me share with you my process in preparing a Tarot reading for email, and what you will receive in your email.

Changes have been happening on the Arnemancy website! And they are good changes, too: we have added an online shop, new services, and classes, while still continuing to produce podcast episodes and blog posts.

The Arnemancy Podcast
Solo Episodes
S01E06 Tarot and the Art of Memory

Welcome to the first Arnemancy Podcast solo show! In this episode, I talk about how to use Giordano Bruno’s table method to memorize the Tarot’s Minor Arcana pip cards. This mnemonic method can be a very effective method for not only recalling card meanings, but to understand the relationships between the cards. Here are some… Read more »

Classical astrology pays a lot of attention to the houses, which are fixed portions of the ecliptic tied to the horizon. In addition to the signs and planets in each house, houses are interpreted according to the triplicity rulers of the house’s occupying sign. The topics associated with these rulers are known as the house… Read more »

Working with grimoires and classical magic means needing a deeper understanding of classical and Renaissance astrology. You’ll need to be able to easily access information about the astrological houses, signs, and planets. Inspired by Giordano Bruno, I devised a mnemonic chain that can be used to memorize the twelve houses. The following should be used… Read more »

Learn to meditate on the Tarot cards in just five minutes. The following technique is simple and effective, and you can practice it in just five minutes. Meditating with the Tarot is one of the best methods to learn the symbolism and meanings of the cards. Tarot meditation is an essential tool for all Tarotists. With this… Read more »

This article from Lisa Frideborg over at Love Dove Tarot is all about why she doesn’t read with reversed cards. I always like hearing other readers’ reasons for avoiding reversed cards. Mine is pretty simple: I think that the language of the Tarot is rich enough without adding a whole set of 78 additional meanings…. Read more »

My Favorite Nine-Card Spread

If you’ve had a full-form reading from me in person, then you’ve probably seen my nine-card spread. It doesn’t have a name, but I’ve been working with it for about a year now, and I really like it. This description should be very useful to those of you who like to take a photo of your readings to reference later. Read on to see the meanings of the positions in these nine cards.