Tag: learning

Decans have been everywhere in my occult life lately. First, there are the Picatrix Decans cards by J Swofford, then Andrew B. Watt’s incredible Decans series on his blog, and now my latest interview with T. Susan Chang. This has inspired me to perform my own year-long Decan Walk and share the results both here… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
36 Secrets with T. Susan Chang

“What the dickens are decans?” asks T. Susan Chang in this episode of the podcast. Susie joins me this time to discuss her new book, 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey Through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. We explore the concept of a decan walk, talk about Susie’s process, and then we dig into some… Read more »

You have been considering an email Tarot reading, but you don’t know exactly what to expect. Let me share with you my process in preparing a Tarot reading for email, and what you will receive in your email.

My Introduction to Sigils class is once again open for enrollment! I am offering one class on Sunday, December 13th. Use code SIGILCLASS2 in the form below to get 15% off the enrollment fee! That code is good until December 9th. From the seals of the Goetic spirits to the magical artwork of Austin Osman… Read more »

Hermetica with Sam Block

The Arnemancy Podcast
Hermetica with Sam Block

There is a good chance that you are already familiar with my guest on this episode. Sam Block, AKA @polyphanes, is the prolific genius behind the Digital Ambler, his blog covering a wide swath of esoteric and occult topics. Earlier this year, he took on the ambitious project of completing his own translation of the… Read more »

My last podcast episode with Misha Magdalene was the 32nd episode of the Arnemancy Podcast and also the last episode of season one. I’m taking the summer off to record less and work on some new ideas for season two.

The Arnemancy Podcast
Learning the Zohar with Justin Sledge

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Justin Sledge, a professor of philosophy focusing on the intersection of philosophy and esotericism. He studied at the University of Amsterdam’s Center for the Study of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents and on top of that, he has a Ph.D. in philosophy. Our discussion focuses on the Zohar… Read more »

Thaumaturgy and theurgy are old concepts in the Western mystery tradition, and they find new relevance and importance for today’s magicians, occultists, and practitioners. Though they are sometimes treated as competing ideas or even opposites, their definitions aren’t as cut-and-dried as you might hope. In this article, we will briefly explore these two concepts, where… Read more »

The work of a magician is imaginal, taking place in a realm of phantasy and imagination. The Astral Temple is one of the core works of the magician. It is akin to a spiritual home base, a palace of memory, and an ever-present ritual space enabling the practitioner to perform ritual without physical tools and… Read more »

In March of 2020, during the COVID-19 shutdown of pretty much everything, many Masonic Grand Lodges in the United States and Canada cancelled all lodge meetings and Masonic functions. While necessary, this was disappointing, particularly because I had several lectures lined up at various lodges on a number of topics. In addition, both Esoterika Lodge… Read more »