Tag: magic

What is Planetary Magic?

The Western esoteric tradition has been steeped in the influences of the seven classical planets perhaps since its very inception. In fact, the planets’ influence stretches beyond the esoteric to pervade everyday life, showing up everywhere from from the archetypes they present to the very names of the days of the weeks. Given the saturation… Read more »

My last podcast episode with Misha Magdalene was the 32nd episode of the Arnemancy Podcast and also the last episode of season one. I’m taking the summer off to record less and work on some new ideas for season two.

The Arnemancy Podcast
Sexuality and Gender in Paganism with Misha Magdalene

Author, pagan, and sorcerer Misha Magdelene joins me to talk about the intersection of gender and sexuality with magic and polytheism. Misha is the author of Outside the Charmed Circle: Exploring Gender & Sexuality in Magical Practice and is also the author behind the Patheos blog, Outside the Charmed Circle. We talk about cracking open… Read more »

Thaumaturgy and theurgy are old concepts in the Western mystery tradition, and they find new relevance and importance for today’s magicians, occultists, and practitioners. Though they are sometimes treated as competing ideas or even opposites, their definitions aren’t as cut-and-dried as you might hope. In this article, we will briefly explore these two concepts, where… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Hypnerotomachia and Play with Ted Hand

Ted Hand is public school teacher and independent scholar of Renaissance Magic. In this episode, he discusses the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and Atalanta Fugiens as influential Renaissance texts and the culture of images. Ted discusses in particular the concept of using these image-heavy texts as vehicles for esoteric or mystical play. He discusses in particular the… Read more »

The work of a magician is imaginal, taking place in a realm of phantasy and imagination. The Astral Temple is one of the core works of the magician. It is akin to a spiritual home base, a palace of memory, and an ever-present ritual space enabling the practitioner to perform ritual without physical tools and… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Tarot Beyond Binaries with The Word Witch

In this episode, we’re joined by The Word Witch, Claire Burgess! Claire (pronouns they/them) is a queer and non-binary Tarot reader, teacher, writer, and illustrator. They’re the host of The Word Witch podcast and the creator of the Fifth Spirit Tarot deck, both of which explore and re-imagine Tarot through a queer and intersectional lens…. Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Wyrm's Addition with Alexx Bollen

Alexx Bollen returns to the podcast to talk about Wyrm’s Addition, a new comic book project he’s working on with Eric Millar of Outlet Press. The story takes place in an eponymous fictional Portland neighborhood based on a real neighborhood called Ladd’s Addition, which those familiar with Portland will undoubtedly recognize as that weird 45°-tilted… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Esoteric Artwork with Travis Lawrence

Travis Lawrence is an artist, printmaker, explorer of symbolism, meddler in metaphor, and allegorical adventurer. In this episode, guest co-host Coleman Stevenson of the Dark Exact joins me to dive into Travis’s history with art, the method behind his creative vision, and some of the mysteries behind his amazing work. We explore Jungian psychology and… Read more »

Changes have been happening on the Arnemancy website! And they are good changes, too: we have added an online shop, new services, and classes, while still continuing to produce podcast episodes and blog posts.