This episode, I’m joined by Scott Stenwick. Scott has been practicing ritual and ceremonial magic for more than thirty years. He has published two books on the subject of Enochian magic and is a longtime Ordo Templi Orientis initiate. He has maintained a blog since 2006 on which he has published many of the so-called… Read more »
Guest Appearance: Butterflies and Incantations Episode 6
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Vanessa invited me to be a guest on her podcast, Butterflies and Incantations! We had a talk about magical practice, current projects, strange philosophies, and other fun stuff. Here’s part of her show notes: Vanessa and Erik have a fun little conversation about magick, crafting, tech magic, astrological talismans and other such things. Plus we… Read more »
Teacher and independent scholar Ted Hand joins me in this episode for a deep dive into the angelology of Pico della Mirandola, followed by a crazy romp through the gnostic world of Philip K. Dick. It’s a dense episode, and (hold on to your hat!) it’s all connected! We follow Pico’s adventures through the Florentine… Read more »
As the entire Internet already knows, T. Susan Chang has incredible oracular powers, so when I tell you that she’s here on the second episode of the fledgling Arnemancy Podcast, it’s probably a sign that we’re building great things. Susan is co-host of the incredible Fortune’s Wheelhouse podcast and the author of Tarot Correspondences: Ancient… Read more »
The magician in his robe is a timeless image. From ancient wizards like Merlin to medieval conjurers, all the way up to modern depictions such as Gandalf and Harry Potter, the robe is the magician’s expected uniform. Even various schools and traditions of modern occult study emphasize the importance of wearing a robe. It is… Read more »
The Western Mystery Tradition, Western esotericism, occultism — what are all of these things, and why are so many people talking about them? It can be tough to wrap your head around how much of our culture is steeped in ideas we call occult. Everything from religion to pop culture to (gasp!) science are heavily… Read more »
When a person gets involved in ritual magic, they probably aren’t prepared for the amount of artwork they need to create. Wands, altars, and magical tools and weapons all need to be created, typically by hand.
Lately I’ve been trying out some dream magic from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM). The PGM is a collection of Greco-Egyptian texts from northern Egypt in late antiquity, dating from 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. They describe a staggering array of ancient religious and magical practices, and were originally written in Greek,… Read more »
The Cruzin With Steak podcast is hosted by two super nice guys, Grimsteak and James Cruz. They were kind enough to invite me onto the show, so I’d like to invite you to check out my interview in episode 41!
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