Tag: major arcana

A Tale of Two Tarot Decks

The Arnemancy Podcast
Solo Episodes
A Tale of Two Tarot Decks

In this extra special episode, I will be interviewing two Tarot decks. I know what you are thinking: Tarot decks don’t talk. But what if they could? Well, let’s find out. My first guest this episode is an old and slightly crazy friend, my first edition copy of Robert M. Place’s Alchemical Tarot. And after… Read more »

Tarot Topics with Liz Worth

The Arnemancy Podcast
Tarot Topics with Liz Worth

Tarot reader and author Liz Worth joins me for the first episode of season three! Liz is the author of seven books including The Power of Tarot and Going Beyond the Little White Book: A Contemporary Guide to Tarot. Her writing has appeared in FLARE Magazine, Refinery29, Chatelaine, the Globe and Mail, and more. She… Read more »

On Thursday, September 9th at 6:00 PM Pacific time, I will be running a workshop for my Tarot and the Art of Memory series! Enroll now and strengthen your Art of Memory techniques! If you are interested in taking this class, you will want to take one of my previous classes in the series. They… Read more »

The Judgment card tends to get less attention than the other cards of the Major Arcana. I suspect that even among occult circles, which tend to be less secular than the mainstream crowd, the Judgement card’s imagery is a little too exoterically Christian for many tastes, lacking as it does the baroque archetypal mishmash of The Lovers or the heavy-metal overtones of The Devil to redeem it for contemporary sensibilities.

Tarot is one of the most profound initiatic tools. The 22 Major Arcana cards reflect the inner alchemy process of consciousness expansion, and the different stages we must undergo in our personal transformation. These cards, when properly understood and channeled, can offer steps that can guide you through Soul ascension and growth. One of the… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Guest Appearances
Third Eye Sundays with Coleman Stevenson

This is a special episode in which I am interviewed about Tarot by Coleman Stevenson of the Dark Exact. This episode is part of the Third Eye Sundays Lunch Session series. Each month, Third Eye Sundays welcomes a rotating panel of intuitive professionals (tarot and oracle readers, psychics, energy workers, etc.) as well as other creatives, counselors, and wisefolk to answer YOUR urgent questions live on Zoom!

Enroll today! The powerful images of the Tarot are a perfect accompaniment to the Art of Memory. This class teaches how to use the Art of Memory in conjunction with the Major Arcana of the Tarot in multiple ways. You will learn how to use the memory seals of Giordano Bruno to memorize the Major Arcana and their occult correspondences. You will also learn how to use the Major Arcana to create a memory seal of your very own.

This year has seen a lot of changes for this website. When I launched the Arnemancy Podcast in June, I also gave myself my first reading with Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck. I attempt to interpret it in that podcast episode, and it’s worth a listen. However, now that it’s been a few months and… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
S01E01 - Cartomancy with Alexx Bollen

Introducing the Arnemancy Podcast! Following on the heels of My Alchemical Bromance, this podcast explores esotericism, Tarot, magic, and the occult. In the inaugural episode, I visit Alexx Bollen of the Alexxcast in his foam-walled podcasting dungeon to talk Tarot. I do my first ever reading using Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot and the results are… Read more »

There are so many Tarot decks out there. There must be thousands, right? Tens of thousands? It’s not uncommon for collectors to have 80 or more decks. Once John Michael Greer showed me a huge crate full of dozens and dozens of decks that he and his wife had collected, and you’ll frequently find collectors… Read more »