Tag: major arcana

The Lovers is the 7th card in the Major Arcana, so it’s number VI, because we start counting at zero with The Fool. As I frequently point out during tarot readings, every six is about love in the Tarot. Sometimes it’s not so obvious, such as with the Six of Swords, and sometimes it’s too… Read more »

The Tarot Memory Deck

Working with Giordano Bruno’s memory alphabet and wheel system opens up interesting possibilities. I’ve written before about using tarot with the Art of Memory. Now let’s look at using the Taro with Bruno’s memory system. If you have used Tarot for meditation or pathworking, then you already have experience with visualizing the cards and also… Read more »

Card of the Week: The Fool

“Prithee, nuncle, tell me whether a madman be a gentleman or a yeoman.” The Fool, King Lear, Act III, Scene 6 This week, we’re talking about The Fool. The deck I’m referencing is one I don’t use very often, The Haindl Tarot. I was just putting the deck away when this card slipped out.

Card of the Week: The Devil

The Card of the Week this week is a very special one. The Devil is the 16th of the Greater Trumps and the most unsettling of Tarot cards. I’ve chosen to use the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman this week. I recently acquired this deck and have quickly grown to love it. The imagery is intense… Read more »

Recently, I was reading for a client who had a lot of questions about the Wheel of Fortune. This is one of the more intimidating and complicated cards in the Major Arcana. We talked at great length about this card and its symbolism. When I drew this card for the Card of the Week, ideas quickly… Read more »

Card of the Week: The Sun

The Sun is the 19th Major Arcana, and the third of the celestial Trumps. This is perhaps the happiest card in the Tarot, and indicates that things are going extremely well.

The Moon is one of those great mystery cards in the Major Arcana. In many decks, the imagery includes two hounds, water, towers, at least one moon, and a crustacean. It’s the second of the three celestial Trumps, between the Star and the Sun. Time For Reflection Unlike the Star and the Sun, the Moon… Read more »

Kicking off our Card of the Week feature is the Magician, the second of the major arcana. When I drew this card to write about, I didn’t really believe it. Who would believe that randomly I picked one of the best cards for starting off a new venture? If I was going to purposely select a… Read more »