Tag: occult

Rosicrucian Trilogy: Fama Fraternitatis, 1614; Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615; The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, 1616 Trans. Joscelyn Godwin, Christopher McIntosh, and Donate Pahnke McIntosh Weiser Books, 2016 184 pages Paperback $22.95 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-603-7 Hardcover $45 USA, ISBN 978-1-57863-609-9 The Rosicrucian movement began with three mysterious documents published in the early 17th century in Kessel,… Read more »

The Western Mystery Tradition, Western esotericism, occultism — what are all of these things, and why are so many people talking about them? It can be tough to wrap your head around how much of our culture is steeped in ideas we call occult. Everything from religion to pop culture to (gasp!) science are heavily… Read more »

I am now booking live online Tarot readings! You can click here to book a reading. These readings will be done via Skype using my spiffy new video camera, and I’ll be using a variety of decks. They will typically be five or seven cards, depending on the topic and how deep we need to… Read more »

Working with Unusual Decks

Today a Tarot deck is a fairly specific deck of cards. It has around 22 Greater Arcana, from The Fool through to the World, and then 56 Minor Arcana including the pips and 16 Court Cards. However, Tarot cards aren’t the only cards out there being used for divination, insight, or other non-game purposes. Let’s… Read more »

The Immortal Body in Hermeticism

Back in March, I had a conversation with Jeremy Crow in episode 28 of My Alchemical Bromance. We discussed the Left Hand Path (LHP), about which I had only a surface understanding before we really dug into it. While there are multiple ways to differentiate between the two paths, we focused on one in particular… Read more »

Lately I’ve been trying out some dream magic from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM). The PGM is a collection of Greco-Egyptian texts from northern Egypt in late antiquity, dating from 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. They describe a staggering array of ancient religious and magical practices, and were originally written in Greek,… Read more »

Help support my writing and works by becoming a supporter on Patreon! Access to exclusive patron-only content starts at just one dollar! Here are some exclusive pieces that I plan to offer: Ritual outlines based on grimoires and the Greek Magical Papyri Techniques related to the occult Art of Memory Early access to articles and… Read more »

The Cruzin With Steak podcast is hosted by two super nice guys, Grimsteak and James Cruz. They were kind enough to invite me onto the show, so I’d like to invite you to check out my interview in episode 41!

On March 21st, I was interviewed about my dreams and other interesting subjects on Nox Mente. We get into some pretty fascinating conversation. Please enjoy. If you have any questions about my experiences and answers, ask!

I’ve been on a number of podcasts lately, so you should check these out and listen to some great conversations with a lot of really fascinating people.