For the past few months, a few friends have been pressuring me to try my hand at making YouTube videos. I have already been uploading podcast episodes to YouTube, usually with just a static image. In addition, I have been using REAPER to edit videos for on-demand classes. So, I thought, how much extra work… Read more »
Tag: philosophy

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It has been over 400 years since the first Rosicrucian pamphlets were published, on the eve of the Thirty Years’ War. Now, in the 21st century, Rosicrucianism continues to thrive and remain relevant. Frater Robert Gordon joins me in the first episode of season five to discuss his new book, 21st Century Rosicrucianism. Frater Robert… Read more »

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Let me congratulate you on having both the courage and curiosity to listen to this episode! This is part five of our deep dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. If you feel lost and would like to catch up with earlier episodes in the series, you can find them on the… Read more »

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This episode is part three of our deep dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. If you feel lost and would like to catch up with the first two episodes, you can find them on the page for this series. In this episode, we will explore Agrippa’s definition of magic, both through… Read more »

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Welcome to the first episode in a series that will be exploring the content, message, and ongoing influence of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s magnum opus, De occulta philosophia libri tres, better known in the modern world as Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In this series of episodes, I will talk to experts, translators, historians, and magicians… Read more »
Read my book reviews of the new translations of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s De occulta philosophia. The translations are by Eric Purdue and Paul Summers Young.

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Today, occultists and practitioners are fortunate to have the aid of modern tools like computers to aid in their studies. In this episode of the podcast, I am joined by one of the creators of such tools, Tres Henry. We discuss not only the role of software in magic, but the balance between rational science and mysticism. We also discuss geomancy, maintaining magical balance, and the responsibilities of a magician.

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What do the grimoires say about ritual purity and the material world? In this episode, Misha Magdalene joins me to discuss the role of the body in grimoire magic. We begin by examining concepts of ritual purity in the Key of Solomon before exploring more concepts from gnosticism to Kabbalah. We discuss ritual purity as… Read more »

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I am joined by Dan Attrell, the massive mind behind the Modern Hermeticist YouTube channel, which includes the vast and ever-growing Encyclopedia Hermetica. He is currently working on his PhD in Renaissance history at the University of Waterloo. He has gone out of his way to share tons of his knowledge and learning with his… Read more »

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This episode of the podcast visits the Abaton of Asklepios to incubate a dream from the god for the purposes of healing. This is not a typical episode, and is intended to be used as an episode to help you get to sleep while also performing dream magic and oneiromancy.