The Arnemancy Podcast is five years old this year! Can you believe it? And I would love to celebrate with you!
Tag: podcast
It’s now 2024, and things are happening! If you are in Portland, you can come and see me speak at Dark Star Magick this month. Read on for details and for more news.
The Confraternity of Prognosticators has once more assembled! My good friends Andrew B. Watt and T. Susan Chang joined me recently to look back over our 2023 forecast, and then use astrology and Tarot to do a month-by-month forecast of 2024.
Astute followers may have noticed that I am not posting to Twitter or Facebook very much. However, I am still using social media! I would like to tell you about cool places to follow Arnemancy activity without selling your soul and personal information. How to get Arnemancy updates Every time a new blog post or… Read more »

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Melissa Madara joins me to discuss cooking and magic. This is not your typical kitchen witchcraft, either, but recipes and foods drawn from grimoires, Renaissance magic, the PGM, and other ancient traditions. Melissa is a witch, chef, storyteller, botanist, and co-owner at Catland Books. Their work deals with the healing power of myth, divination, and… Read more »

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Chaos magic! What is it? Well, in this episode, I am joined by Luxa Strata. Luxa is an artist and magician and is host of the Lux Occult Podcast as well as the organizer for The Green Mushroom Project, an ongoing large-scale group magical working. We not only discuss chaos magic, but Luxa’s musical endeavors,… Read more »
After a busy summer filled with other work and some exciting train travel, Arnemancy is back! I have some exciting announcements and some fun plans for the future.

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On the very eve of the New Year, I am joined by my two amazing friends, astrologer Andrew B. Watt and cartomancer T. Susan Chang, for part two of our 2022 Forecast! Join us as we put our divinatory skills to the test. As Andrew interprets astrological charts for each month, Susie draws Tarot cards, and I am there to moderate!
Part two of the 2022 Forecast covers the months of July through December.

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The new year is nigh! Once again, I am joined by my two amazing friends, astrologer Andrew B. Watt and cartomancer T. Susan Chang, to attempt to forecast the future. Together, we put our divinatory skills to the test. As Andrew interprets astrological charts for each month, Susie draws Tarot cards, and I am there to moderate!
Part one of the 2022 Forecast covers the months of January through June.

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Happy holidays, everybody! What is more packed with holiday cheer than Enochian magic? In this episode, I am joined by Cliff from Enochian Today to discuss his extensive and in-depth exploration of Enochian magic. Our conversation briefly covers the history of Enochian magic and the partnership between John Dee and Edward Kelley, and then we… Read more »