Tag: Renaissance

I have just released a new online tool for generating Playfair cipher keys using whatever text you feel like using. While this may seem like an unusual tool for a website like this, those who have taken my class, The Other Trithemian Art, or heard me talk about using modern hand-ciphers with Renaissance magical techniques,… Read more »

Announcing a new class! Renaissance magicians believed in pansophia, that one person could contain all the knowledge of the cosmos. They developed an Art of Memory designed to contain all of this information, based on their understanding of learning, imagination, and the occult properties of the soul. Why did the Art of Memory disappear, and… Read more »

I am now happy to offer my class, The Magical Philosophy of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, online! This class explores Henry Cornelius Agrippa’s theory of divine light as illustrated in Three Books of Occult Philosophy. We will examine divine light’s role in both interior and exterior perception, an essential foundation for understanding the practice of image… Read more »

I have added a new tool to the resources section of the website: the Daimon Sigil Generator! You can go check it out immediately, or keep reading for some additional background.

Agrippa’s Continuing Influence

Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Agrippa's Continuing Influence

Welcome to the final episode of our in-depth exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Since this is the final episode of the series, don’t start listening here. Catch up on all of the episodes in this series on the podcast’s website. We have been all over Occult Philosophy, and explored everything… Read more »

Agrippa’s Christian Cabala

Portae Lucis detail with a colorful background
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Agrippa's Christian Cabala

Finally, after a short hiatus, here is part eight of our exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. The previous episodes of this podcast dealt primarily with material from books 1 and 2, but now it’s time to dive into book 3, The Divine World. Joining me for this discussion is Dr…. Read more »

Friends of the Spirit with Michael Sanborn

Greetings, listeners! For the past few months, we have been enjoying a deep exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and now it’s time for us to make a brief detour. This bonus episode is an interview with my friend Michael Sanborn, who is releasing a translation of a new book, Letters… Read more »

A Very Enochian Christmas
A Very Enochian Christmas with Cliff

Happy holidays, everybody! What is more packed with holiday cheer than Enochian magic? In this episode, I am joined by Cliff from Enochian Today to discuss his extensive and in-depth exploration of Enochian magic. Our conversation briefly covers the history of Enochian magic and the partnership between John Dee and Edward Kelley, and then we… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Armchair Harpsichording with Alexander Eth

Okay, stay with me here. You are going to have to hear this one to believe it, because my guest on this episode is Alexander Eth. That name is probably familiar, because Alexander is the host of the esoteric Glitch Bottle podcast, which covers topics we are all curious about: magic, mysticism, grimoires, necromancy, and other mysteries of our weird universe. Alexander is a classical ceremonial magician and researcher into grimoires.