Tag: Rider Waite Smith

The Judgment card tends to get less attention than the other cards of the Major Arcana. I suspect that even among occult circles, which tend to be less secular than the mainstream crowd, the Judgement card’s imagery is a little too exoterically Christian for many tastes, lacking as it does the baroque archetypal mishmash of The Lovers or the heavy-metal overtones of The Devil to redeem it for contemporary sensibilities.

The Arnemancy Podcast
A Tarot Reading with Aaron Epperson

Back in the good old days of My Alchemical Bromance, we had our good friend Aaron Epperson on for a reverse interview. It was a delightful experience pretty early in my days as a podcaster. Now that I am a seasoned, salty veteran of the podcasting world, Aaron has returned to lift our spirits with… Read more »

When I first started this blog, I had a “Card of the Week” feature that was not weekly and didn’t last long. This “Featured Cards” feature is the sequel to that. I promise no regularity but lots of longevity. Let’s examine the Eight of Wands.

A while back, I featured the Devil card as Card of the Week. In that post, I emphasized a few elements of the card’s symbolism that I find very poignant. In particular, the chains or rope binding the foreground figures is voluntary, meaning that the bonds can be thrown off. This symbolism isn’t consistent across… Read more »