Set upon by numerous foes, the Seven of Wands is the card associated with the Third Decan of Leo. The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, and this decan is ruled by Mars. It covers 20° through the 29° of Leo. In 2021, the Sun was in the Third Decan of Leo from… Read more »
Tag: sevens
Here at the end of Taurus, our first earth sign, we come across another very earthy card. Of course, all of the Pentacles are cards of elemental Earth, but here we see it spelled out very plainly. The man in this card is a gardener or a farmer, and he has been working the earth. His plants stand before him, overflowing with sweet, sweet pentacles. However, he doesn’t look as though he is having a great time. He looks bored or exhausted.

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Earlier this month, I was a guest on The Word Witch Podcast, where I discussed The Chariot, The Tower, and the Sevens of the Tarot with amazing host Claire Burgess. Here’s what they had to say about the episode: In this tarot lesson episode, Claire is joined by Reverend Erik of the Arnemancy podcast to… Read more »