Decans have been everywhere in my occult life lately. First, there are the Picatrix Decans cards by J Swofford, then Andrew B. Watt’s incredible Decans series on his blog, and now my latest interview with T. Susan Chang. This has inspired me to perform my own year-long Decan Walk and share the results both here… Read more »
Tag: symbolism
The terms “decan” and “face” are often used synonymously in astrology: a 10° division of the 30° covered by a sign of the Zodiac. In other words, each sign contains three decans, or faces. While each sign has specific relationships with the various planets, each decan does as well. Each decan is said to have… Read more »
The Western esoteric tradition has been steeped in the influences of the seven classical planets perhaps since its very inception. In fact, the planets’ influence stretches beyond the esoteric to pervade everyday life, showing up everywhere from from the archetypes they present to the very names of the days of the weeks. Given the saturation… Read more »

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Travis Lawrence is an artist, printmaker, explorer of symbolism, meddler in metaphor, and allegorical adventurer. In this episode, guest co-host Coleman Stevenson of the Dark Exact joins me to dive into Travis’s history with art, the method behind his creative vision, and some of the mysteries behind his amazing work. We explore Jungian psychology and… Read more »

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Abigail Atkins of Discordian Astrology joins me in this episode to discuss various aspects of modern and Kabbalistic astrology. Abigail has studied ritual magic and methods of esoteric spiritual development for nearly a decade, and implements astrology as a means of discovering the Holy Guardian Angel and the soul’s destiny in this lifetime. Unlike other… Read more »

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Coleman Stevenson of the Dark Exact joined me at the Rose City Book Pub for a live podcast recording, and it was great! We filled up the venue and more than forty people were in the audience. We talk about Tarot, art, the process of creation, creativity, cats, and all kinds of great stuff. The… Read more »
This year has seen a lot of changes for this website. When I launched the Arnemancy Podcast in June, I also gave myself my first reading with Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck. I attempt to interpret it in that podcast episode, and it’s worth a listen. However, now that it’s been a few months and… Read more »
Among the twos, the Two of Cups is my favorite. My preference for this card probably comes from its amazing depiction in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, which portrays a man and a woman staring into each other’s eyes. Meanwhile, a freakin’ massive winged lion head atop a caduceus seemingly sprouts from their clinking cups. This card… Read more »
Classical astrology pays a lot of attention to the houses, which are fixed portions of the ecliptic tied to the horizon. In addition to the signs and planets in each house, houses are interpreted according to the triplicity rulers of the house’s occupying sign. The topics associated with these rulers are known as the house… Read more »

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There really is no Eric Conspiracy. It’s always been a myth. But in this episode, Eric Millar and I (Erik Arneson) meet up at COFFEE BEER in Southeast Portland to discuss The Disruption Generator and Eric’s other work. Eric is an author, writer, and publisher — the brains and brawn behind Outlet Press. We use… Read more »