Category: Announcements

Two Classes in January

This January, I will be teaching two classes. “Unraveling the Arbatel” will be online only, and I will be offering a new class, “Freemasonry and the Occult”, both online and in-person through Dark Star Magick in Portland, Oregon.

Happy New Year!

It’s now 2024, and things are happening! If you are in Portland, you can come and see me speak at Dark Star Magick this month. Read on for details and for more news.

Announcing Grimoire.Social

Since it is the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, please allow me to introduce you to Grimoire.Social, a social media platform catering to those captivated by grimoires, occult books, and the allure of the esoteric. I want Grimoire.Social to improve the way you find new occult books and connect with other magical and… Read more »

Ditching Twitter and Facebook

Astute followers may have noticed that I am not posting to Twitter or Facebook very much. However, I am still using social media! I would like to tell you about cool places to follow Arnemancy activity without selling your soul and personal information. How to get Arnemancy updates Every time a new blog post or… Read more »

I have some exciting news to share with you regarding the Arnemancy shop. This month, we are offering free shipping on all orders! Yes, you read that right—whether you’re purchasing a single zine or the Moonlit Hermit Tarot, the shipping cost is on us!

I have added a new tool to the resources section of the website: the Daimon Sigil Generator! You can go check it out immediately, or keep reading for some additional background.

2023 Forecast Specials

Learn about the various deals and specials happening alongside the 2023 Forecast, including a new class from Reverend Erik about astrological magic techniques from Agrippa.