Here’s a list of other places where I publish podcasts and content. Look for more content coming soon, always!
Podcast Appearances
I was on episode 58 of Charm the Water, where Aaron David interviews me about Tarot and Hermeticism.
Over on the Occulture Podcast, Ryan Peverly interviews me for episode 53: “Let’s Be Monks”. We talk about the Art of Memory and Giordano Bruno. We also lead each other on some pretty weird tangents. I really enjoyed this episode. Check it out!
You can see all of my guest appearances on the Guest Appearances feed at My Alchemical Bromance.
More Content
Note: I gave up on Steemit and have been focusing on other avenues. For a while, I was posting short-form content to my Steemit blog. This is an interesting new content platform. It’s based on cryptocurrency-style blockchain technology and your content is almost immediately monetized. It could be pretty neat. I would love to see a strong occult and Tarot presence over there.
I’ve been publishing content regularly on my Patreon page. This is primarily premium content, though I also publish all new Arnemancy articles over there five days before they show up here. That content so far includes learning materials on Kabbalah and ritual magic.

Finally, you can find me publishing articles over on We The Hallowed, an occult multimedia collective based in Portland, Oregon.
This article was updated in January 2019 in an attempt to keep it relevant.
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