About: Reverend Erik

Erik Arneson
Tarot reading is one of several things I do professionally. As a bona fide Johannes factotum, I have a number of other skills I enjoy practicing. If you’d like to learn about my Masonic writings, visit TransforMason.org. If you’d like to have me officiate a wedding, check out my wedding page. I also develop software and work with information security.

This article from Lisa Frideborg over at Love Dove Tarot is all about why she doesn’t read with reversed cards. I always like hearing other readers’ reasons for avoiding reversed cards. Mine is pretty simple: I think that the language of the Tarot is rich enough without adding a whole set of 78 additional meanings…. Read more »

My Favorite Nine-Card Spread

If you’ve had a full-form reading from me in person, then you’ve probably seen my nine-card spread. It doesn’t have a name, but I’ve been working with it for about a year now, and I really like it. This description should be very useful to those of you who like to take a photo of your readings to reference later. Read on to see the meanings of the positions in these nine cards.

Tarot for Brunch at Crush Bar

I will be reading Tarot cards for brunch this Sunday, August 17th! Come and see me at Crush Bar from Noon until about 4pm. Crush Bar is located at 1400 SE Morrison Street in Portland, Oregon. They’ve got an amazing brunch menu and delicious drinks. Mention this post and I’ll give you 50% off your… Read more »

Great suffering for brief pleasure.The Bruegel Tarot I love this new deck, the Bruegel Tarot by Lo Scarabeo! Before I get  into  the rather straightforward message of this card, please take a moment to look at the image and enjoy the great variety of imagery, both comic and macabre. There’s a man in this card… Read more »

The Festival of Thoth

This post is just marginally related to Tarot. Today I’d like to talk about Hermeticism and the Feast of Thoth. Hermeticism describes a poorly-understood school of mysticism from the early centuries of the Common Era. It arose in northern Egypt, around Alexandria, and was contemporary with the early Gnostics. We don’t know a whole lot… Read more »

This weekend, I met with Jeff Weissler of Pairings Portland and we came up with a novel idea: Pairing wine with Tarot cards. Join us on Friday, August 15th, from 2pm to 8pm as we experiment with crossing the exotic world of wine with the esoteric world of the Tarot! You can learn more about it… Read more »

Card of the Week: The Sun

The Sun is the 19th Major Arcana, and the third of the celestial Trumps. This is perhaps the happiest card in the Tarot, and indicates that things are going extremely well.

Since launching this website a few weeks ago, I’ve been catching up on all of the Tarot material that’s available online. There’s a lot of it. One of the websites I’ve been enjoying is Tarotize, by the prolific Lisa Frideborg. She recently linked back to an older post of hers called Top 10 Tarot Tuition… Read more »