Tag: history

I used three different MIDI keyboards and a bunch of sound effects to create this soundscape-rich taiko-drum-driven musical interpretation of the story of Katharina Kepler and how she was accused of witchcraft.

The origin story of the kaleidoscope meanders around magic, an eccentric mage who was persecuted by the Inquisition, and secret societies of scholars. A famed inventor, David Brewster, and an alchemist and tinkerer, Giambattista della Porta, each played a role in this tale. And in the history of the kaleidoscope, a curious time is revealed, when science and magic seemingly overlapped.

St. Paul's Cathedral
21st Century Rosicrucianism with Frater Robert Gordon

It has been over 400 years since the first Rosicrucian pamphlets were published, on the eve of the Thirty Years’ War. Now, in the 21st century, Rosicrucianism continues to thrive and remain relevant. Frater Robert Gordon joins me in the first episode of season five to discuss his new book, 21st Century Rosicrucianism. Frater Robert… Read more »

Agrippa’s Continuing Influence

Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Agrippa's Continuing Influence

Welcome to the final episode of our in-depth exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Since this is the final episode of the series, don’t start listening here. Catch up on all of the episodes in this series on the podcast’s website. We have been all over Occult Philosophy, and explored everything… Read more »

Agrippa’s Christian Cabala

Portae Lucis detail with a colorful background
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Agrippa's Christian Cabala

Finally, after a short hiatus, here is part eight of our exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. The previous episodes of this podcast dealt primarily with material from books 1 and 2, but now it’s time to dive into book 3, The Divine World. Joining me for this discussion is Dr…. Read more »

Divine Light and the Senses

Agrippa with Divine Light
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Divine Light and the Senses

Finally, here is part four of our deep dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy! If you feel lost and would like to catch up with the first two episodes, you can find them on the page for this series. In this episode, we will be taking a look at some pretty… Read more »

What Is Magic?

Doctor Faustus
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
What Is Magic?

This episode is part three of our deep dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. If you feel lost and would like to catch up with the first two episodes, you can find them on the page for this series. In this episode, we will explore Agrippa’s definition of magic, both through… Read more »

The Sources of Occult Philosophy

Pliny the Elder
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
The Sources of Occult Philosophy

Welcome to the second part of our deep-dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s hugely influential giant book, Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In this episode, we will be searching for the answer to a pressing question: how did Agrippa manage to write such an enormous book before he even turned 25? Thanks to Eric Purdue’s long… Read more »

Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Introduction to Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

Welcome to the first episode in a series that will be exploring the content, message, and ongoing influence of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s magnum opus, De occulta philosophia libri tres, better known in the modern world as Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In this series of episodes, I will talk to experts, translators, historians, and magicians… Read more »