About: Reverend Erik

Erik Arneson
Tarot reading is one of several things I do professionally. As a bona fide Johannes factotum, I have a number of other skills I enjoy practicing. If you’d like to learn about my Masonic writings, visit TransforMason.org. If you’d like to have me officiate a wedding, check out my wedding page. I also develop software and work with information security.

I have just released a new online tool for generating Playfair cipher keys using whatever text you feel like using. While this may seem like an unusual tool for a website like this, those who have taken my class, The Other Trithemian Art, or heard me talk about using modern hand-ciphers with Renaissance magical techniques,… Read more »

I used three different MIDI keyboards and a bunch of sound effects to create this soundscape-rich taiko-drum-driven musical interpretation of the story of Katharina Kepler and how she was accused of witchcraft.

Announcing a new class! Renaissance magicians believed in pansophia, that one person could contain all the knowledge of the cosmos. They developed an Art of Memory designed to contain all of this information, based on their understanding of learning, imagination, and the occult properties of the soul. Why did the Art of Memory disappear, and… Read more »

Isaac Newton was a complicated human. Though he revolutionized our understanding of the physical world with his laws of motion, he was obsessed with alchemy, Biblical prophecies, and King Solomon’s Temple. Was the founder of modern science an alchemist and magician? Perhaps. But that is not what we are here to discuss today!

I am now happy to offer my class, The Magical Philosophy of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, online! This class explores Henry Cornelius Agrippa’s theory of divine light as illustrated in Three Books of Occult Philosophy. We will examine divine light’s role in both interior and exterior perception, an essential foundation for understanding the practice of image… Read more »

Happy New Year!

It’s now 2024, and things are happening! If you are in Portland, you can come and see me speak at Dark Star Magick this month. Read on for details and for more news.

Listen to the 2024 Forecast

The Confraternity of Prognosticators has once more assembled! My good friends Andrew B. Watt and T. Susan Chang joined me recently to look back over our 2023 forecast, and then use astrology and Tarot to do a month-by-month forecast of 2024.

Announcing Grimoire.Social

Since it is the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, please allow me to introduce you to Grimoire.Social, a social media platform catering to those captivated by grimoires, occult books, and the allure of the esoteric. I want Grimoire.Social to improve the way you find new occult books and connect with other magical and… Read more »

Ditching Twitter and Facebook

Astute followers may have noticed that I am not posting to Twitter or Facebook very much. However, I am still using social media! I would like to tell you about cool places to follow Arnemancy activity without selling your soul and personal information. How to get Arnemancy updates Every time a new blog post or… Read more »

I have some exciting news to share with you regarding the Arnemancy shop. This month, we are offering free shipping on all orders! Yes, you read that right—whether you’re purchasing a single zine or the Moonlit Hermit Tarot, the shipping cost is on us!