Category: Articles

I recently wrote about the Art of Memory on this blog, and it’s an ongoing interest of mine. Robert O’Neill has a surprisingly complicated article about Tarot and the Art of Memory on I’m not sure why I didn’t come across it before. It’s worth a read. Though O’Neill has a great collection of… Read more »

The Art of Memory, or ars memoriæ, is a mnemonic technique dating from classical Greece. The technique improves upon our natural memory through discipline, planning, and visualization skills. One of its core methods involves a memory palace, in which memorized architectural details are used to store striking images that aid recall.1 The memory palace technique… Read more »

The Tarot Blog’s First Year

There hasn’t been very much activity on the Tarot reading front in December. Last year, it was a very slow month. This year, I focused my December efforts in other directions. I already have events planned for 2015, though. Stay tuned for details! Thank you all for the support you showed me in 2014. Here’s… Read more »

Learn to meditate on the Tarot cards in just five minutes. The following technique is simple and effective, and you can practice it in just five minutes. Meditating with the Tarot is one of the best methods to learn the symbolism and meanings of the cards. Tarot meditation is an essential tool for all Tarotists. With this… Read more »

Card of the Week: The Fool

“Prithee, nuncle, tell me whether a madman be a gentleman or a yeoman.” The Fool, King Lear, Act III, Scene 6 This week, we’re talking about The Fool. The deck I’m referencing is one I don’t use very often, The Haindl Tarot. I was just putting the deck away when this card slipped out.

Card of the Week: Ten of Cups

The Card of the Week is none other than the Ten of Cups. Look at this card! It is one of the happiest in the deck. Ten magical cups float along a rainbow. It gleams in the sky. A happy family celebrates below, looking across a field with a winding stream and a cozy house…. Read more »

Card of the Week: The Devil

The Card of the Week this week is a very special one. The Devil is the 16th of the Greater Trumps and the most unsettling of Tarot cards. I’ve chosen to use the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman this week. I recently acquired this deck and have quickly grown to love it. The imagery is intense… Read more »

Card of the Week: Eight of Cups

I know it’s late, but it’s still the Card of the Week: the Eight of Cups. This card depicts a figure walking uphill away from a stack of cups. Overhead, the Man in the Moon watches on, but he doesn’t wear a happy face.  It’s night time, and water runs all around. In the distance,… Read more »

I’ve got a guest post up on Ethony today! Check out Learning the Portland Tarot. My thanks go out to Ethony for the opportunity. The post is all about my first reading with the Portland Tarot and how I interpret cards I haven’t worked with before. Go read it!