Tag: books

Announcing Grimoire.Social

Since it is the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, please allow me to introduce you to Grimoire.Social, a social media platform catering to those captivated by grimoires, occult books, and the allure of the esoteric. I want Grimoire.Social to improve the way you find new occult books and connect with other magical and… Read more »

After a busy summer filled with other work and some exciting train travel, Arnemancy is back! I have some exciting announcements and some fun plans for the future.

The Sources of Occult Philosophy

Pliny the Elder
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
The Sources of Occult Philosophy

Welcome to the second part of our deep-dive into Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s hugely influential giant book, Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In this episode, we will be searching for the answer to a pressing question: how did Agrippa manage to write such an enormous book before he even turned 25? Thanks to Eric Purdue’s long… Read more »

Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Introduction to Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

Welcome to the first episode in a series that will be exploring the content, message, and ongoing influence of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s magnum opus, De occulta philosophia libri tres, better known in the modern world as Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In this series of episodes, I will talk to experts, translators, historians, and magicians… Read more »

A Grip of Agrippas

Read my book reviews of the new translations of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s De occulta philosophia. The translations are by Eric Purdue and Paul Summers Young.

The Magus with R.A. Priddle

The Arnemancy Podcast
The Magus with R.A. Priddle

Mr. R.A. Priddle joins me to explore the world of fraudulent ballooning magicians. No, not the Wizard of Oz, but rather Francis Barrett, author of that famous early 19th century tome of ritual magic, The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer. Mr. Priddle, or Robert, as I usually call him, wrote his dissertation on Barrett and as… Read more »

Marginalia with James Russell

The Arnemancy Podcast
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Marginalia with James Russell

Dr. James Russell joins me for the third episode in my series on the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Dr. Russell is a book historian in Phoenix, Arizona. He completed his doctorate at the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Durham University in the UK. James is interested in how material texts shape spiritual experiences. Focusing… Read more »

Free Shipping for a Limited Time!

Even though I only have two products in the Arnemancy Shop that I actually ship, that’s enough to offer you a special sale! Until December 4th, I will be offering free shipping in the United States on all the stuff I can ship. Please head on over to the shop and check out these exciting… Read more »

The Arnemancy Podcast
Wyrm's Addition with Alexx Bollen

Alexx Bollen returns to the podcast to talk about Wyrm’s Addition, a new comic book project he’s working on with Eric Millar of Outlet Press. The story takes place in an eponymous fictional Portland neighborhood based on a real neighborhood called Ladd’s Addition, which those familiar with Portland will undoubtedly recognize as that weird 45°-tilted… Read more »

Changes have been happening on the Arnemancy website! And they are good changes, too: we have added an online shop, new services, and classes, while still continuing to produce podcast episodes and blog posts.